
Doors vs No Doors – Refrigerated Supermarket Retail Cases

Doors vs No Doors – Refrigerated Supermarket Retail Cases If you are reading this, you are probably no stranger to the fact that refrigerated retail case manufacturers sell cases both with and without doors. So you might be wondering which you should choose in your store? Well, like many choices in life, the answer always […]

Doors vs No Doors – Refrigerated Supermarket Retail Cases Read More »

Digital Compressor Upgrade: Addressing Multiple Retrofit Challenges

Digital Compressor Upgrade: Addressing Multiple Retrofit Challenges Best Practices, Cost Saving, Efficiency, Performance / By Zach Moorse Source Article: At Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc., we continuously strive to offer our clients advanced and efficient refrigeration solutions. One of the most significant advancements in recent years is the digital compressor upgrade, which addresses multiple

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Importance of Refrigerant Line Sizing by Nick Fisher

Importance of Refrigerant Line Sizing At Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc. we strive to design and install superior commercial and industrial refrigeration systems. One of the key components to delivering on this is correctly sizing the refrigerant lines for each refrigeration system. Improperly designed line sets can cause the refrigeration system to struggle to keep

Importance of Refrigerant Line Sizing by Nick Fisher Read More »

Filling Levels of Pressure Vessels by Volume for Refrigerants

Author: Jarod Hansen Source Article: Condenser by IIAR 06_Condenser_NOV23_LOW_updated_compressed.pdf ( Filling Levels of Pressure Vessels by Volume for Refrigerants In the ammonia refrigeration industry, maintaining the proper filling levels of pressure vessels is essential for safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Appropriately filled vessels ensure that ammonia refrigeration systems operate optimally, reducing energy consumption and preventing

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How Does the Finalized AIM Act Rule Impact Your Operation?

Source Article: How Does the Finalized AIM Act Rule Impact Your Operation? Earlier this month, the EPA announced its final ruling on Technology Transition Rule portion of the AIM Act, which will phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in several industries. According to the act, the primary goals are to reduce emissions of climate damaging HFCs

How Does the Finalized AIM Act Rule Impact Your Operation? Read More »

Why is CO2 the Most Promising Refrigerant in Cooling Industry?

As CO2 gains more traction in our industry, our customers will ask what the advantages of CO2 are over ammonia and synthetic refrigerants. I feel this article (while it drills into the thermophysical properties quite a bit) helps clarify the advantages and disadvantages of one of the re-emerging refrigerants in our industry, CO2. Please contact

Why is CO2 the Most Promising Refrigerant in Cooling Industry? Read More »

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