
Letter to Customer/IIAR

  Dear Valued Customer, The International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration (IIAR) has a suite of standards that help establish both code for central ammonia refrigeration systems, but also generally accepted ...
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IIAR 9 Minimum System Safety Evaluation

The ANSI/IIAR Standard for Minimum System Safety Requirements for Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems does a fantastic job setting the baseline requirements for existing ammonia refrigeration systems. One possible shortcoming of ...
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EPA Issues Final Rule with Risk Management Program Changes

Author: Jarod Hansen Source Article: Condenser by IIAR, Lowell Randell (IIAR Government Relations Director) EPA Issues Final Rule with Risk Management Program Changes On March 11th, the Environmental Protection ...
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Safety Relief Valve Replacement Frequency

Ammonia safety relief valves come in many different shapes and sizes. Similarly, there are also many different manufacturers of them as well. Most of these manufacturers disclose a “shelf life” ...
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Doors vs No Doors – Refrigerated Supermarket Retail Cases

Doors vs No Doors – Refrigerated Supermarket Retail Cases If you are reading this, you are probably no stranger to the fact that refrigerated retail case manufacturers sell cases both ...
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Digital Compressor Upgrade: Addressing Multiple Retrofit Challenges

Digital Compressor Upgrade: Addressing Multiple Retrofit Challenges Best Practices, Cost Saving, Efficiency, Performance / By Zach Moorse Source Article: At Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc., we continuously strive to ...
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Importance of Refrigerant Line Sizing by Nick Fisher

Importance of Refrigerant Line Sizing At Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc. we strive to design and install superior commercial and industrial refrigeration systems. One of the key components to delivering ...
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Ejectors in NH3 DX Evaporators

In the past few decades, the world around us has undergone a lot of changes. The world of Direct Expansion (DX) ammonia refrigeration, however, hasn’t changed a whole lot. Enhanced ...
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Filling Levels of Pressure Vessels by Volume for Refrigerants

Author: Jarod Hansen Source Article: Condenser by IIAR 06_Condenser_NOV23_LOW_updated_compressed.pdf ( Filling Levels of Pressure Vessels by Volume for Refrigerants In the ammonia refrigeration industry, maintaining the proper filling levels of ...
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How Does the Finalized AIM Act Rule Impact Your Operation?

Source Article: How Does the Finalized AIM Act Rule Impact Your Operation? Earlier this month, the EPA announced its final ruling on Technology Transition Rule portion of the AIM ...
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New Stuff

New Stuff Author: Chris Savage Here at Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, we try hard to stay abreast of new technologies, new products, and or new ideas of any kind. Especially ...
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Finding Good Help – Refrigeration Industry

If you’ve ever asked a hiring manager about how their search for talent is going, it seems you’ll often hear “You can’t find any more good help these days”. If ...
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Industrial Refrigeration Faces Significant Cybersecurity Risks

Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration (CSR) understands there are many moving pieces in the industry to know and understand when it comes to refrigeration controls. CSR can answer any questions you ...
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Why is CO2 the Most Promising Refrigerant in Cooling Industry?

As CO2 gains more traction in our industry, our customers will ask what the advantages of CO2 are over ammonia and synthetic refrigerants. I feel this article (while it drills ...
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CO2 Condensing Units

CO2 Condensing Units Author: Chris Savage Here at Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, we are very aware of the of the emphasis on “natural refrigerants”. In fact, a big portion of ...
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Heat Pumps – Heating Up

With the continued push to reduce energy consumption in both the US and abroad the discussion about the feasibility of utilizing heat pumps in the United States has begun to ...
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Summer Maintenance

SUMMER MAINTENANCE Well we did it. We finally are able to put away the snow shovels, snow blowers, hats and mittens. As the temperatures outside warm, not only do we ...
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Condenser Drop Legs

Condenser Drop Legs Last week I had the opportunity to attend a RETA Safety Day.  At this meeting I listened to a presentation on purging non-condensables and it reminded me ...
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AIM Act – Awareness

The focus this month is a brief look at the American Innovation and Manufacturing act or AIM act for short. This policy seeks to dramatically reduce the usage of HFC ...
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Ice Builders…Still Relevant?

    Ice Builders…Still Relevant? Have you ever seen one of these big ole rectangular tanks [usually outside] with a surge drum on top and the tank is full of ...
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Hazard Analysis

Hazard Analysis By Chris Savage Most of us in the ammonia refrigeration world are aware of the OSHA and EPA compliance guidelines. You are familiar with PSM (Process Safety Management) ...
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Hydrocarbons in Refrigeration

Hydrocarbons such as Propane, Propylene, and Isobutane are great natural refrigerants that are successfully used in commercial refrigeration appliances today. Hydrocarbons can boast the low global warming potentials regulators are ...
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Natural Refrigerants Continue to Grow in Retail

Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration (CSR) understands there are many moving pieces in the industry to know and understand when it comes to selecting a refrigerant for your system.  CSR can ...
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Condenser Piping

10/6/2022 Author: Erik Hansen   Condenser Piping I recently completed a visit to a facility I have never been to before in Colorado.  The end-user had hired a 3rd party ...
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Honeybee’s By Chris Savage You might be thinking, why the heck would there be a blog post on a refrigeration website about honeybee’s?  Up to about a month ago, I ...
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Suction Lines: A Quick Overview

An important part of the refrigeration design process is determining what size refrigerant lines returning to a compressor or an accumulator/recirculator vessel should be. These return lines are often simply ...
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EPA Continues Work to Implement AIM Acted

Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration (CSR) understands there are many moving pieces in the industry to know and understand when it comes to selecting a refrigerant for your project. CSR can ...
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Stainless Steel Condenser Tubes or Galvanized? That is the question!

June 2022 Blog Post Author: Erik Hansen   Subject: Stainless Steel Condenser Tubes or Galvanized?  That is the question! NOTE: The posting will dig a little into product selection revolving ...
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Moisture Control

Moisture Control By Chris Savage Moisture control…..what does that mean? Relative humidity, dew point, condensation, evaporation, dry bulb, wet bulb, enthalpy, specific volume, humidity ratio, vapor pressure, dehumidification, desiccant, reheat, ...
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Evaporator Condenser Passivation

If you have ever been involved in buying or installing a new evaporatively cooled condenser, then you’ve probably heard about evaporative condenser passivation. You probably heard it is important and ...
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Adiabatic Coolers

Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration has replaced many evaporative condensers over the years.  Most of the time they are replaced with direct replacements because the existing steel structure is available.  In ...
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Ammonia Liquid Migration and Cold Weather Startup

Those of us in the northern climates are familiar with the cruel outside conditions.  Old Man Winter lets loose his cool breathe and our backyards and driveways become frigid winter ...
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Remote Temperature Monitoring & Alarming

Here at Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration we hear something like this all too often:  “My cooler/freezer quit working last night….now all of my product is lost.” What do you do ...
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Preventative Maintenance Basics – Condenser and Evaporator Coils

With fall fast approaching it is a great time to remind everyone about the importance of commercial refrigeration routine maintenance. Maintaining your systems for optimal energy efficiency is great for ...
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Is an Ammonia Refrigeration Evaporative Condenser a Permit- Required Confined Space (PRCS)?

Source Article: Condenser by IIAR By Bryan Haywood Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration (CSR) has been asked this question many times in the past and we have found that many people ...
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How many of you have “scale” on your evaporative condenser?

As summer approaches I thought it would be a good idea to revisit one of our previous blog postings from a few years back… How many of you have “scale” ...
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COVID-19 and Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc.

COVID-19 and Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc. Wow, the last month (more for others!) has been a whirlwind for every individual and every business around the world!  Carlson & Stewart ...
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Secondary Refrigerants Are Worth A Second Look

Secondary Refrigerants Are Worth A Second Look All refrigeration systems, at their very core, convert electrical energy into heat removal potential. Primary refrigerants typically do this via the refrigeration cycle ...
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Energy Efficiency Changes 2020

While we welcome the new year and all the challenges that come with it, the commercial refrigeration industry will see some energy efficiency changes. The Department of Energy (DOE) has ...
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CO2 As A Refrigerant – IIAR Standard

(source article:  “IIAR Moves Forward on CO2 Standard”, November 2019 Condenser Magazine)   Is CO2 as a refrigerant an option for you?  Carlson & Stewart Refrigeration, Inc. can help point ...
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EEVs Should be Standard Equipment, Says U.S. Energy Consultant

Source: EEVs Should be Standard Equipment, Says U.S. Energy Consultant Electronic expansion valves (EEVs), which are used in commercial display cases to automatically control the flow of liquid refrigerant into ...
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Staying Cool – Basic Heat Loads

Staying Cool - Basic Heat Loads by Jayson Noetzelman When it comes to refrigeration, Carlson & Stewart is in the business of helping you stay running and stay cool, but ...
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Propane… Possible Commercial Refrigerant?

Source Article: In a time when refrigerants are being closely evaluated for their environmental impacts, propane (R-290) is emerging as an increasingly viable alternative. With a global warming potential (GWP) ...
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Ammonia As a Refrigerant: Pros and Cons

Ammonia As a Refrigerant: Pros and Cons Last month, a 5000 pound ammonia leak occurred at a Boston-area seafood warehouse that killed one worker and forced a shelter-in-place order from Boston Police.  Problematic procedures ...
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Ammonia Compressors

Over the years there are and have been a variety of compressor styles that have been used in ammonia refrigeration systems.  Each of these compressor styles accomplish the same task ...
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How many of you have “scale” on your evaporative condenser? [I am guessing your hand might be in the air]. How many of you feel that this is “normal” and ...
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Over the years of working in literally hundreds of compressor / engine rooms we have noticed a correlation between the cleanliness and neatness of the compressor room and the general ...
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We all know that refrigerant leaks cost money! The hissing sound of a leak is not so much SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS as it is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! Let’s find and fix the refrigerant leaks ...
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This article will target refrigeration systems that utilize air cooled condensers, but the efficiencies to be gained apply to the users of evaporative condensers as well. First, let us remember ...
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You are receiving this notice because you are the owner / operator of a refrigeration or air-conditioning system that utilizes R-22 refrigerant and we want you to understand, and be ...
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How often and for how long should an air unit evaporator in a cooler or freezer be defrosted? Hot gas and electric defrosting of air units that are installed in ...
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Check your oil safety switches! Many commercial refrigeration compressors (i.e. Copeland) and essentially all industrial reciprocating compressors, like Vilter 450, 440 & 350 series, have force fed lubrication systems.  The ...
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The typical ammonia (and other refrigerants) leak detection system consist of one or more sensors communicating to a readout or display.  Internal in the sensor is a “cell” that picks ...
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